Blog - Conscious Feminine Medicine
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The Gift of Light on Winter Solstice

In the busyness of the season, it is easy to forget that we are in the deepest, darkest time of the year.  We find ourselves busy running around, meeting the demands and responsibilities of the world...

In Search of the Perfect 21 DAY Nourishing, Purifying sustainable eating ‘way’.

If you have ever tried to do a cleanse with greens, and lots of cold raw vegetables and fruits, you may have realized that even though its great for you… you may not be sure its right for you.  If you are like me, cold raw foods aren't the most satisfying and leave you feeling a bit empty.  Of course the whole idea of doing a cleanse is to feel lighter… and healthier… but I am not sure that its suppose to feel empty,...

The EMPOWERED You Would Not Change a Thing in your LIFE.

I was recently reflecting on a question that I read somewhere about what limiting thoughts, beliefs or recurring story keeps me from moving toward becoming who I already am in essence? I immediately felt resistance to the question itself; somehow I thought that it subtly suggested that my present moment wasn't good enough and there was something wrong with it. Somehow it suggested that my happiness was in the future.   Of course like most people I could dip into the endless desires of things that...

Embodiment of the Feminine Womb; A sign of the times?

Have you ever felt a deep sense of peace within yourself, a sense of safety no matter what is happening around you? How about a sense of deep love for yourself and for your body… that stems from the heart and embraces you like a mother holding a child? Have you felt the beautiful light of compassionate LOVE and peace within you emanating towards everyone outside of yourself… as it also embraces you, caringly and warmly like gentle waves of the ocean? If you...

Womb Trinity Blueprint Activation

In our greater awakening to Feminine consciousness we are beginning to hear a lot about the WOMB, not only in a physical sense but also as an energetic container and potential. Now, I want to expand your consciousness even more, and present to you the Womb Trinity centers of Sacral, Heart and Head; powerful energetic vortexes within our own body and psyche.   This womb trinity center reflects three distinct areas in our body. Suffice to say that the number three appears in many ancient healing...

The Existential Search for what we already Possess

    The Existential Search for what we already Possess First of all, I want to say, what you think you want is not what will make you truly happy! Everyone has heard the saying that once we have what we want we will be happy, and we all know that is seldom the case. Many times we think that when we have the nice house, or achieve a greater level of success that it will fulfill us and give us that complete satisfaction.  Usually these material...

The Stories that Keep us in Stuck.

The past does not exist… really! It only exists in your mind… and in the memories and its effects they create upon your body.    I had a patient tell me that she had to go home yesterday and throw away the old small size jeans that was motivating her to lose weight to pre-pregnancy weight because she realized that although it kept her striving to lose weight, it was at the expense of her self esteem.  Inherent in the motivation of ‘having to...

Think You Have Low Self Esteem? Think Again!

Think You Have Low Self Esteem? Think Again!  It is easy for many of us to mistaken our daily shortcomings with our self worth.  Sometimes, it is difficult to admit that we made a mistake because it feels entangled in such shame and heavy emotions.  And yet it is obvious that we are all making mistakes on a daily basis, it is part of our humanity, being human.  We see it in our daily actions, thoughts and feelings that lack the ideal love and compassion...


Today is MOTHER’s day… a time to honor the MOTHER. For many years I hadn’t written much around mothers day, because the truth is I know how it brings up pain in many of the patients I work with. Whether it’s struggles with conception, or whether it brings sad memories of those you have lost, I too have lost my dear mother long time ago and understand the pain.  But I also realized that the aspect of mothering is so much greater than our...

Time For A Change in Women’s Medicine

Time For A Change in Women’s Medicine   For the past 17 years I have been utterly blessed by the work that I do, by the people that I have met, and by the lives that I have been fortunate enough to touch. But now I have to ask for your help. Will you vote for me to change women’s health?  Every day I witness women experiencing higher levels of diseases and disorders that are directly correlated to their gender.  Infertility, for example, is plaguing 10% of...