Your Fiery Empowered Feminine in Aries New Moon
This is the Aries new moon…. and how does this energy affect our Conscious Feminine within?
As this energetic new beginning pushes forward in line with our deepest dreams and adventures, we may be faced with the obstacles that continually hold us back. Many times we acknowledge what the obstacles are on the outer… but truly for every obstacle on the outer, there is something within our psyche (usually unconsciously) that is holding us back. It is not always easy to see our blind spots, but in order to fully be empowered and feel the strength that we carry in our being, we need to be able to move through that which holds us back. So, during this month of fiery Aries… we have the opportunity to feel empowered, feel the freedom, feel our strength… and allow that energy to move us forward into the adventures of our heart and soul!
However, in the face of that, we must have the courage to face the shame, the rejection, the fear and other damaging veils that may be limiting ourselves from greater expression of our Light. Feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy, not good enough… are all the ways in which we let our fears control us… and stay hidden and feeling powerless. So as we move into greater empowerment of ourselves and our heart’s desire, we have to be willing to see what’s in the way… and take responsibility to address on the inner levels.
Our outer life is a mirror, reflecting back to us our states of consciousness, whether conscious or unconscious. Our inner world consciousness vibrates at any given moment, which attracts the needed frequencies on the outer, this is the Universe responding to us. At any given time, the Universe is conspiring to our evolution and growth… providing the necessary elements for us to experience more of our Truth and Light… more of our Essential nature. So, if we are faced with some interference and or some challenges on the outside, we can see what the source of the interference is on the inner, clearing the root vibrational frequency. By seeing where we are holding back within, where there may be self-judgment, self-criticism or even self-doubt and letting it dissolve, we clear the inner and outer interference! Freedom truly is an inside job!
For many women, feeling unsafe is imprinted so deeply in our DNA that we unconsciously limit our actions and choices in an attempt to stay safe. Yet we have the ability to break through these patterns within and manifest our dreams, empower ourselves, and truly follow the vibrancy of this time to step into great courage with our lives.
Inner Reflection
How do I want to show up in my life now? How do I want to express my courage and my strength in my life? What new adventure am I ready for? What inner voices or beliefs are keeping me from taking a risk and dreaming big?
The challenges you face, will always point the way to what needs to clear within you… in order to open up to a new possiblity, on the inner and on the outer!
Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna is the founder of Conscious Feminine Medicine, School of Conscious Feminine Medicine and Nourishing Women in South Florida. USA. She is an Integrative Body/Mind doctor, Acupuncture physician, Spiritual Healer, Teacher, and Author. She has spent most of her life focused on healing the wounds of the Feminine in Women and helping us embody the evolution of our Feminine Soul, within ourselves and the planet. Through the Healership School and privately, Luna offers online program, mentorships and personal healing sessions to explore just the right medicine for you! For a private Feminine Medicine break thru, book your online session here.
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