Reclaiming the FEMININE Mysteries of Death & Rebirth on Halloween - Conscious Feminine Medicine
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Reclaiming the FEMININE Mysteries of Death & Rebirth on Halloween

Reclaiming the FEMININE Mysteries of Death & Rebirth on Halloween

As we fast approach the season of Halloween this month… we grow in darkness… into the longest nights of the year, towards the stillness point in the Winter Solstice. At this time of year, Nature shows its declining light in the changing colors of the leaves, as the days grow colder and life seems to slow down. 

Halloween… is rooted in the traditions of Samhain ( SOWEN- pronunciation), a festival which marked the final harvest and the end of the growing season.  Samhain was celebrated at the exact point between the Fall Equinox, and Winter Solstice, usually around Oct. 31st, although it technically it has to be on the Dark Moon, (which is right before the New Moon for the month). This year it falls on Nov. 15, 2020, 12:07am EDT. 

Samhain really represents the end of the cyclic year… the time of death, where everything is released and transformed, for the next cycle of birth. It is the death cycle, a celebration of the darkness… the womb from which all of manifestation is born.  Here we speak of the darkness of the unknown, the darkness of the void, the mystery, Herself. 

Samhain really represents the end of the cyclic year… the time of death, where everything is released and transformed, for the next cycle of birth. It is the death cycle, a celebration of the darkness… the womb from which all of manifestation is born.  Here we speak of the darkness of the unknown, the darkness of the void, the mystery, Herself. 

This time of year, slowly pulls us in toward the inner realm of our being, into the darkness of ourselves, the places unknown, our unconscious. It is a time where the veils are thinning and we are able to commune with the spirit world, within us and around us easily. It begs us to reunite with the quiet, undisturbed stillness of our being, while we simultaneously let go of the outer noise, and distractions that pull on our senses throughout the year.  It is an opportunity to dive in and access our Essence, distill the jewels that we have received this year in gratitude, and let go of the rest, making room for a new birth, a new year.  It is a time of deep purging and dissolution of our mental constructs, our self-imposed narratives and our limiting identifications, in order to come rest in the primordial darkness of the Cosmic Womb, Herself. 

However, many of us fear Halloween, we have been indoctrinated to fear it and demonize it. We have also been indoctrinated to fear the dark, and demonize it, leaving us stranded with no way to access this deeper, dark, mystical dimension of ourselves, dimension where we access the gnosis of our Oneness. Here it is clear, I am not speaking about the Dark as evil, but rather the dark as in the primordial womb of all beginnings as we see it in the dark of the night skies, full of all possibilities. 

The fear of this season has its roots in the overtake of the domination culture of patriarchy and the religious fervor that wanted to sever all ties with the Great Mother culture that was honored since the beginning of time.  The Great Mother peaceful celebrations and rituals of the cycles of the Earth and Moon, were all forbidden, only to be reconstructed into empty holidays, that are absent of the sacred and divine dimension that originally gave rise to the outer celebrations.  

The truth is that most women of Wisdom (women that honored the sacredness of the Divine in all manifestations), were forced to leave behind our connection with Great Mother Source, and Nature through the horrific execution of torture and persecution that lasted at least 600+ years, and resulted in over 6 million women killed during the witch hunts and craze of the medieval times.  Unfortunately, this collective fear has prevailed in our subconscious as a barrier to accessing the deeper realms of mystery, Herself and has eroded our Trust, polluting the terrain with fragments of fear and terror that even continue today, evidenced by the recent witch hunts in Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. 

Furthermore, this veil of fear and evil darkness that has become associated with Halloween, ensures that we stay away from accessing and unveiling any of the deeper meanings of this Season.  It may seem quite innocent to associated Halloween with kid friendly scary ghosts and broomsticks, but in reality, this type of association continues to perpetuate the unconscious, horrific terror that ran through the consciousness of women for hundreds of years.  And of course, we can also recognize that Halloween may also have attracted actual evil dwellers that intend to harm others and create evil ‘darkness’, we do not want to deny that, but the point is that if that is all we see, the meaningless activities of trick or treat, and the fear impressions of evil doers, then again, our consciousness is assured to circumvent the deeper sacredness of the roots of this time of year.  After all, it takes a lot of courage and trust, to challenge the collective field of fear and terror, and explore the deeper meanings, even if your soul knows the Truth. 

As the threats to survival increased for women of wisdom… communing with nature, gazing at the moon, taking walks in the forest, and uniting with other women became prohibitive and even riskier. Women were forced to meet in secret, in order to continue to come into union with Nature and explore the wisdom of Oneness, inherent in all manifestations.  However, even with the thousands of years of prohibition and thousands of lives lost, the deeper wisdom of the Divine prevails in our souls. 

The old Feminine Wisdom, was lost in the outer form, but not lost in our hearts, nor in our soul. 

It is time to remember… 

So let us remember…

This time of year, is crucial to access our sacred power in the depth of our being.  It is critical to our ability to consciously birth the new year… within our own consciousness first, then manifesting it in the outer world. In order to give birth to something new in ourselves and in our life we have to let go of the old that mind constructs and unresolved narratives, that unconsciously continue to create our outer world. 

It is time to reclaim the Sacredness in the Darkness…

It is time to reclaim our ability to rest and dissolve in the darkness of the Great Womb of the Mother… of Source.

It is time to reclaim our wisdom that comes through union with the deep stillness of inner union with the Divine dimension of ourselves. 

It is time to reclaim the beginning cycle… that is birthed from the darkness of the past.

It is time to reclaim the lost mysteries of the Feminine, through the Earth and Lunar Cycles of Life. 

Now, and especially in this time of year, when the veils are thinning… we can reclaim the holiness of this time of year… and release our fear of the night… of transformation… of death and of the unseen dimension, where sacredness lives. We can break the bonds of fear that have kept us separate from the Dark Mother of transformation and death, that is an essential aspect of the cycles of Life, Death and Rebirth, here on the Earth plane. Everything material decomposes, only to be used as material for something new to be born, and the wisdom underneath that is the infinite reality of the Divine substance of our spirit nature, that does not die, does not end.  

We can let ourselves embrace the distilling of the season and the releasing of our own fears and judgments… and reclaim the true Samhain, reclaim the holiness in death… in the transformational element of the physical world… where everything undergoes death and rebirth, so that we can land in the infinite Essence of the Divine.  

If we do not embrace the holiness inherent in the darkness, we cannot fully reclaim our Spirit of Oneness that lies underneath all creation and cycles. It is up to us, individually, to face the internalized fears of the darkness and restore the holiness of this time of year… which is the domain of the Feminine. We must reclaim the cycles of life, death and rebirth, so that we can fully reclaim our Divinity, in all Her forms. Without the night there is no day… without the darkness there is no light. 




End of the Lunar Year… time of transformation of in the three nights leading up to the New moon and new year on Nov. 15, 12:07am, EDT, end of the year… we can follow this process to consciously participate in the power of the cycles of death and rebirth. 

Nov. 12th – 1st Dark MOON Night

Nov. 12th  after sundown. Relationship with our life & our bodies. 

Today starts the first night of the dark moon. 

Sit quietly and create sacred space, using essential oils, incense, smudging, and prayer that align with your heart. Bring a journal. 

Tonight we set our intentions to review this past year and look at all the challenges we experienced physically, with all levels of manifestation including our bodies. Write down what has been challenging to you… that you are still not fully accepting in your heart. Ask your heart questions… 

What challenges did I have personally in my life this year, that I am still hurting from, disappointed, sad, loss, fearful, angry, or any other feeling.  Let yourself feel these feelings, in relationship to any challenge that was heart felt this year, and then write it on a paper. 

Let yourself grieve for all the losses, the hurts, the loss of control and all the feelings that are still needing to be seen, heard and acknowledged.  Feeling these feelings is the key to releasing and allowing space for something new. 

Burn the paper with these challenges on them while acknowledging: 

By surrendering these challenges to the Fire of transformation, I release and surrender my heartache, into the womb of the Divine. 

I allow the Infinite Love of the Divine to carry me, hold me, nourish me and sustain me, in love, as I trust and open up to the true Sacred Wisdom in these past situations.  

NOV. 13th 2nd Dark MOON night

Nov. 13th  after sundown. Relationship with Others. 

Today starts the second night of the dark moon. 

Sit quietly and create sacred space, using essential oils, incense, smudging, and prayer that align with your heart. Bring a journal. 

Tonight we set our intentions to review this past year and look at all the challenges we experienced with relationship with others, this year. Write down what has been challenging to you… that you are still not fully accepting in your heart. Ask your heart questions like: 

What challenges did I have with others this year, I am still hurting from, disappointed, sad, loss, fearful, angry, or any other feeling.  Let yourself feel these feelings, in relationship to any challenge that was heart felt this year, and then write it on a paper. 

Let yourself grieve for all the losses, the hurts, the loss of control and all the feelings that are still needing to be seen, heard and acknowledged.  Feeling these feelings is the key to releasing and allowing space for something new. 

Burn the paper with these challenges on them while acknowledging: 

By surrendering these challenges to the Fire of transformation, I release and surrender my heartache, into the womb of the Divine. 

I allow the Infinite Love of the Divine to carry me, hold me, nourish me and sustain me, in love, as I trust and open up to the true Sacred Wisdom in these past situations.  

NOV. 14th 3rd Dark MOON night

Nov. 14th  after sundown. Relationship with Collective World. 

Today starts the second night of the dark moon. 

Sit quietly and create sacred space, using essential oils, incense, smudging, and prayer that align with your heart. Bring a journal. 

Tonight we set our intentions to review this past year and look at all the challenges we experienced with the outer world, collectively, that have affected you, this year, (COVID19, ELECTIONS, INJUSTICES). Write down what has been challenging to you… that you are still not fully accepting in your heart. Ask your heart questions like: 

What challenges did I have with the outer world, collectively, this year, I am still hurting from, disappointed, sad, loss, fearful, angry, or any other feeling.  Let yourself feel these feelings, in relationship to any challenge that was heart felt this year, and then write it on a paper. 

Let yourself grieve for all the losses, the hurts, the loss of control and all the feelings that are still needing to be seen, heard and acknowledged.  Feeling these feelings is the key to releasing and allowing space for something new. 

Burn the paper with these challenges on them while acknowledging: 

By surrendering these challenges to the Fire of transformation, I release and surrender my heartache, into the womb of the Divine. 

I allow the Infinite Love of the Divine to carry me, hold me, nourish me and sustain me, in love, as I trust and open up to the true Sacred Wisdom in these past situations.  

Welcoming the New Year of Possibilities

NEW MOON Nov. 15th 12:07am EDT


On the last night of the last night of the Dark MOON, Nov. 14th… right at midnight, prepare to receive the transformational portal

of the New MOON… where the Dark MOON shifts into the New Moon, exactly at 12:07am, EDT. 


Ushering in the New Light on the


Light a candle… and focus a few breaths in your heart. 

Let yourself breathe in to your heart and invite the Light of the New Year to begin to light up within you. 

Knowing that any outer change, must first be established at the level of consciousness within you…

let yourself write what reality you would like to create for yourself in your… 

your outer life…

your physical body…

your emotional body… 

your spiritually body… 

your relationships… 

your world… 

your Earth. 

After you have written these, let yourself feel these things actually taking shape, in your inner eye of the heart and third eye,

and let yourself feel how it would feel to receive these on the outer.

This dimension already exists, it’s a matter of believing in it,

enough to allow it to manifest in your reality. 


Between Nov 15th and Dec. 21st, you have a gateway of creation for the upcoming year that continues to feed off

the consciousness that you are giving it.  Therefore, in order to manifest your reality, therefore you can… Read your list daily.

Make time to clear away the unconscious fears, doubts and judgments that may be preventing you from having it.

Just ask your heart to clear these barriers and conditioning away and be willing to see them and surrender them to the Divine. 

Remember you have everything that you need within you… 

In honor of the mystery within You.

Love & Light, 

Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna

Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna is the founder of Conscious Feminine Medicine, School of Conscious Feminine Medicine and Nourishing Women in South Florida. USA.  She is a Spiritual Healer/ Teacher/ Guide, Author, Feminine Artist, Holistic doctor and Acupuncture physician. She has spent most of her life focused on healing the wounds of the Feminine in Women and helping us embody the evolution of our Feminine Soul, within ourselves and the planet.  Through the School of Conscious Feminine Medicine and Conscious Feminine Medicine, inc. non for profit organization, Dr. Murciano- Luna offers online program, mentorships, retreats and personal healing sessions to explore just the right medicine for you! For a private Feminine Medicine assessment book your online session here.

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