The Return of the LOVE... that's the Medicine of the DIVINE FEMININE! - Conscious Feminine Medicine
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The Return of the LOVE… that’s the Medicine of the DIVINE FEMININE!

The Return of the LOVE… that’s the Medicine of the DIVINE FEMININE!

Do you feel your Heart Gate opening?  Are you having an experience of greater LOVE in your life… yet sometimes feel extensive waves of pain and suffering overwhelming you? Let me share some insights I am understanding at this time. As a humanity, throughout time, we have closed our HEART gateway in an attempt to separate us from the pain and suffering that our souls have encountered, throughout this lifetime and others.


In closing our HEART gateway, we have also closed the gateway to LOVE- and closed the very pathways through which the Divine Feminine transmit the LOVE into our hearts and into humanity on our planet.


Yet it is the LOVE that is the medicine that resolves the pain and suffering.   Humanity without LOVE has created what we are presently seeing in the world today, all the suffering,  prioritizing money over lives,   loss of lives, war,  disregard for the planet that sustains us,  etc.


However, the time has come for the LOVE to return and for us to receive HER medicine. Many of us have invited the LOVE to return to our HEARTS… and have knowingly and unconsciously opened our HEART Gateway to the DIVINE FEMININE… the LOVE.   This is the shift in consciousness and awakening that is creating the NEW EARTH.  This is the shift that officially began in 2012, the awakening of humanity… and the return of the DIVINE FEMININE face of GOD… the LOVE… DIVINE MOTHER.

She is returning… the LOVE is returning to us… We have invited Her back into our LIVES.


For those of us leading the conscious journey of awakening on the planet, it is important to know as we open our HEART gate to LOVE again… we simultaneously open ourselves to the old pain and suffering that has been imprinted in our Soul for eons of time.  There is a flushing up of old the calcified emotions that have not been resolved and that derive from our split from our DIVINE NATURE.  This is an important step in integrating the DIVINE FEMININE back into our lives… and receiving the LOVE.  Honoring the emotional intelligence and clearing the shame and rejection of our emotional field, is an important step in the greater embodiment of the DIVINE FEMININE in our being.


The LOVE that is returning to our Selves and to our Planet… is the aspect of the DIVINE FEMININE MOTHER… that we have rejected for thousands of years… and which has created what we call the Patriarchy.


The good news is… that this LOVE is what dissolves the pain… LOVE restores the sweetness in your Being… LOVE is the Medicine. On a practical level… let your Heart gateway say Yes to the LOVE… and invite the Divine Feminine to become conscious in your being… and as you feel the great LOVE that the Divine has for you… allow the emotions to come through and be released… be heard… be acknowledged. Be present with whatever emotions come through… knowing that ultimately it is LOVE that you are. This is how you LOVE yourself… and allow yourself to embody the LOVE… the Conscious Feminine…. and reintegrate the aspects of your Soul that are still frozen in pain and suffering of the past. She awaits you and Her medicine is LOVE. This is what Conscious Feminine Medicine’ is all about.


Love & Light,

Dr. Leonor Murciano Luna


Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna is the founder of School of Conscious Feminine Medicine and Nourishing Women in South Florida. USA.  She is an Integrative Body/Mind doctor, Acupuncture physician, spiritual Healer, Teacher and Writer.  She has spent most of her life focused on healing the split women carry of Body/Mind/Soul , helping us all embody the greater evolution of the Feminine Soul, within ourselves and the planet.  Through the Healership School and privately, Luna offers online program, mentorships and personal healing sessions to find just the right medicine for you! For a private Feminine Medicine break thru, book your online session here.

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