School of Conscious Feminine Medicine offers women an opportunity to heal Body~Heart & Soul, and empower themselves with the lost teachings of the Feminine. Awaken, transform and embody the healing wisdom and more importantly the wisdom that is inside you.
healers, transformation, feminine, embodiment, endometriosis, menses, infertility, goddess, happiness, peace, meditation, healing, earth.
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School of Conscious Feminine Medicine

~changing the Collective story of the Feminine

School of Conscious Feminine Medicine was founded by Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna with the intent to resurrect the lost teachings of the Feminine and the SACREDNESS within WOMEN.  It acts as a  forum disseminating  teachings for women to AWAKEN, ACTIVATE & EMBODY the TRUTH of their Divine nature, that which is hidden in their BEING.

Through online transformational programs and certification programs we are encouraging women to come explore, challenge and empower themselves as they change the collective story of the Feminine within themselves and the planet.   Our programs are a synthesis of direct experience of the wisdom teachings of Sufism, Vedic, and Daoist combined through the matrix of the Feminine.

Please visit our EVENTS page for detail lists of all of our programs including our signature Dark MOON Luna Activations monthly, an opportunity to tune into the Cosmic light frequencies of the month… as we release the old and consciously create space for greater possibilities in our lives.

Consciousness, Spiritual Alchemy & Embodiment of the Feminine.
  • The state of happiness, health and how you feel in your Feminine Body is linked with your spirituality; your conscious awareness and integration of the light and dark in your being.  Your body is the expression of spirit on this plane, a sacred vessel.   Most of us tend to think of our physical bodies separate form our spiritual body, addressing what ails us physically with medication or even an abundance of supplementation.

    While these may be helpful… the truth of the matter is that your physical body is an expression of the relationship you have with your sacred Essential nature.

    To the degree that you are unconscious or unaware of your own spiritual nature, you are disconnected from your own life force and that which nourishes your being and thus your body.

    In order to heal your body… or your sense of depression… unhappiness… or suffering on any level… you must awaken to the divine source within… your primordial essence and restore the sacredness in your BODY.

    Your Feminine Body is the vehicle that Spirit consciousness expresses through… any dysfunction in your body is directly correlated to the awareness and relationship you have with Spirit.

    This aspect of embodying spirit is directly an aspect of the Feminine that has been hidden for thousands of years and is now ready to be reabsorbed in our consciousness… for full marriage of yin and yang… heaven and earth… feminine and masculine… within us… in our BODIES & Spirit.


~medicine for the Evolution of our Feminine Soul
  • medicine of our soul, that awakens us to the TRUTH in our being.
  • medicine that allows us to live in our Sacred Nature & the POWER of our LIGHT.
  • a system of restoring our divine feminine, thus healing all the dysfunctions in our body/mind that have arisen from the repressive 5000 yr. old fear & collective story of the Feminine.
  • a synergy of ancient cultivation practices that align us with our primordial essence, engaging in the alchemy of our body and soul.
  • that which allows women to restore their LOVE~POWER~WISDOM centers.
  • medicine which allows us to unveil the secrets in our body & live in unconditional love, peace, safety.
  • medicine that resolves the states of fear and limitation within, personally and collectively.
  • a road map to create health and healing… and restore our body and soul to ecstatic blissful states of peace and harmony.
  • a system, cultivated from ancient healing traditions for optimizing and restoring women’s health and our female biology.
  • medicine to heal the split of body & spirit and the illusion of separation from the Divine.
  • medicine that transmits the secrets of empowerment that have been hidden.
  • medicine that restores the sacredness in our physical body.
  • medicine that allows us to end the suffering in our physical, emotional, and mental body and live in the POWER of our LIGHT.
Who is Conscious Feminine Medicine for?

If you are a WOMAN and…

  • Feel dissatisfied and are searching for a deeper, richer dimension in you life.
  • Want to end suffering in your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual bodies.
  • Have been feeling depressed, anxious, hopeless, sad and ready to empower yourself.
  • Are faced with a physical crisis like so many other women with 1st world feminine disorders; thyroid, reproductive, anxiety, depression, auto-immune, hormonal or pain.
  • Would like to mystical aspect of your being and deepen your relationship with self.
  • Sense that there is something more that you can be doing but you are not sure what that is!
  • Want to understand what is happening in your body, rather than just taking a pill or living in pain and suffering.
  • Want to feel alive and energetic and full of life again!
  • Want to restore the Feminine aspect in your being.
  • Want to feel empowered in your life rather than defeated.
  • Know that all healing is within!


Conscious Feminine Medicine™ helps to transform all 1st world Feminine Disorders:

  • Gynecological, Reproductive & Fertility imbalances: Endometriosis, Polycistic Ovaries, Painful menses, Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea.
  • Endocrine & Hormonal imbalances: Thyroid, Insomnia, Menopause, etc.
  • Autoimmune Issues: Reproductive Autoimmune, Hashimoto’s.
  • Emotional Imbalances: Anxiety, Depression, Panic attacks.
  • Nutritional Imbalances and Metabolism.


Conscious Feminine Medicine™ is a process of finding the true healing within that addresses all levels of healing physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. As women, we have experienced particular circumstances collectively and personally that have created a unique patterns of conditioning in our bodies. Our deepest wounds are stored in our endocrine, hormonal system & reproductive system and contribute to our physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing.

It is time to free ourselves from these collective & personal restrictions and step into our Essence, breaking through constrictive paradigms that have limited us till now. Transform our powerlessness to empowerment; our disappointment to gratitude and our pain and suffering to joy & peace… by embodying your Conscious Feminine and creating the sacred union of Masculine and Feminine within.

-medicine for the Evolution of the Feminine Soul



Conscious Feminine Medicine Healership Certification 1

~a 9-12 month LIVE online certification program for WOMEN & Healers.


Conscious Feminine Medicine Healership CLINICAL

~a 9 month LIVE online & in person clinical intensive certification program.


Conscious Feminine Medicine Personal Mentorship

~individual 6-12 month program for women that are ready to awaken, transform and embody their greatest Truth.


Conscious Feminine Medicine Global Membership 

~monthly online LIVE program for awakening & embodying your Feminine Light! 


Dark MOON- Luna Activation Circle

~online monthly Live Dark MOON transformation right before the New MOON.


CFM ‘Evolution of Your Feminine Soul’ Healing Retreat

~small group immersion retreat for awakening, transforming & embodying Your Feminine Soul!


Private Work with Dr. Murciano 

~online monthly Live Dark MOON transformation right before the New MOON.




Fertility Wisdom IVF

~6 week downloadable program for Patients undergoing IVF with Fertility Wisdom- BOOK.