Work with Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna - Conscious Feminine Medicine
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Work with Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna

Dr. Murciano-Luna is a Spiritual Healer/ Teacher, Quantum Medicine doctor, Acupuncture physician, Author & Artist, offering a wealth of knowledge and embodiment practices to awaken you to the true medicine of your being; your inherent sacred reality. With Dr. Murciano you have the benefits of having an integrative doctor that can naturally treat the physical body while also bridging the soul level transformation of your being, where the dysfunction begins. This unparalleled combination of Quantum Integrative Medicine, Soul Healing & Feminine Mystical approach enables you to experience radical new levels of healing and consciousness… in your body, mind and heart… all deriving from true transformation at the soul level. The teachings and embodied practices of Conscious Feminine Medicine enable you to truly embody your highest level of  Spiritual Essence Light, while healing on all levels along the way, and embodying your sacredness in your physical body.  Nothing is left out… you are sacred on all levels…. the formlessness of your Consciousness and the form of your body.
Dr. Murciano-Luna has spent her whole life immersed in the birthing of these principles… learning, embodying and receiving the direct transmission of this body of work she now offers as Conscious Feminine Medicine. There are several ways to learn and engage in the Conscious Feminine Medicine teachings and embodied practices and work with Dr. Murciano-Luna, directly.  Here’s how…
And if you are not sure how to move forward on your healing journey, you can book an ASSESSMENT CONSULT with Dr. Murciano-Luna to discuss your details and a what might be possible. BOOK the ASSESSMENT with Dr. Murciano-Luna HERE>

Psycho-Spiritual Somatic Therapy session

Psycho-Spiritual Somatic Therapy  is a 90 min somatic healing process, pioneered by Dr.Leonor Murciano-Luna, designed to address, transform and embody the deeper core soul wounding that we may be carrying personally and collectively. These sessions are individually guided and also address the disconnection that women have endured from their Sacred Feminine Essence.   It addresses physical, emotional and mental dysfunctions and imbalances of all types, especially in times of Personal, Spiritual & Health crisis.  Book directly here.  Book your Pscyho-Spiritual Somatic therapy here. 

Feminine Astro-Signature & Somatic Embodiment Session

Engage in a 60 min. private Feminine Astro- Signature & Embodiment healing coaching session with Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna, which explores astrologically what your greatest feminine and feminine lineage karma is… and begin clearing it from your psyche today. Using Astrology … feminine astroids… & your gene key shadows we can see where your feminine lineage karma and shadows what your soul came in to clear in this lifetime. Complete this session with a feminine healing that allows you to access the wisdom of your feminine soul… through your body and learn your very own lunar drum rhythm according to your birth astrology & genekeys! 60 [email protected] Book your Feminine Astro-Signature session HERE>

Voice Activation- Sacred Sound Medicine session

Engage in a 60 min. private Voice Activation & Sacred Sound Medicine session, which will focus on activating all your chakras with sound… while clearing and healing any blockages on your energy and meridian systems.  Empower your voice, activate your Innate Soul Song… while chanting and toning with your souls vibrations and frequencies.  This session is good to heal physically any blockages with thyroid… voice empowerment… clearing self esteem and unworthiness blockages… and ancestral trauma.  Also good to empower you to step into your voice, your purpose and your gifts, balancing Feminine and Masculine energies within. 60 minutes @199.00. Book your Voice Activation & Feminine Embodiment session HERE>

Feminine Embodied Presence community

Join our community of women, that meets twice a month, Saturdays, to explore our Feminine Embodied Presence through the weaving of Feminine Wisdom, Sound Medicine, Voice Activation & Transformational Meditation. Come heal and empower yourself and meet others that are on the same transformational path of Feminine consciousness. More details HERE>

Mentorship Program

Individual personalized 3, 6 & 9 month programs, designed especially for your personal evolutionary growth and healing. Contact Dr. Murciano-Luna directly HERE>for a free chat. 

The Feminine Path – web app

Join our FREE APP…  HERE> and begin your Conscious Feminine Journey… re-awakening to your Creative Soul… and healing the wounds of the Feminine within you! Begin Free… and with the Conscious Feminine Core and then add programs on the app as you move through your journey! 

Birth of the Conscious Feminine- Book by Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna

Birth of the Conscious Feminine ~ a new era of Feminine Sovereignty, book by Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna.
Birth of the Conscious Feminine offers women a NEW path forward and acts as a guide to help women reclaim their Feminine sovereignty, consciously. Through the Sacred Initiations of the Feminine, you enter a journey that unveils the great, sacred mystery that lives within you and helps you to break free from collective wounds of the past, and patterns that keep your true Essence hidden. Furthermore, Dr. Murciano guides us to gently drop into the ecstatic, unrelenting love of the Great Mother, where you awaken to your own magnificence, sacred power and true medicine. Birth of the Conscious Feminine proposes a transformational healing map for women, that weaves together ancient healing traditions, pre-Daoist, Vedic, Sufi teachings, esoteric knowledge, Quantum science, somatic practices and presence within a Feminine paradigm of the Great Mother.  Purchase book HERE>.

Evolution of the Feminine Soul – BOOK by Leonor Murciano-Luna 

Evolution of the Feminine Soul ~a 30 day lunar journal for women awakening to the Feminine, book by Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna.
We are poised at the edge of a new wave that is sweeping the world. This is the wave of the Feminine, and She is being birthed through you! The ‘Evolution of the Feminine Soul, ~transformational journal for women awakening to the Feminine’ offers us as women, an opportunity to consciously explore the rise of the Feminine and reclaim our forgotten Truth. Every day, during the 30 days of the Moon’s cycle, you will explore the principles of the Feminine, through the 13 pillars of Conscious Feminine Medicine.  Purchase journal book HERE>. 


Conscious Feminine Medicine offers a large array of videos on CFM teachings and Embodied practices, featuring Dr. Murciano on our YOU-TUBE CHANNEL.
These videos are updated frequently with current information and practices that are relative to our personal lives and to the unfolding of the Conscious Feminine Medicine teachings. Listen here, engage in a meditation, somatic embodiment and receive the transmissions now available, from the Feminine.