The Core of Endometriosis- "Wish I would have known about this sooner" - Conscious Feminine Medicine
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The Core of Endometriosis- “Wish I would have known about this sooner”

The Core of Endometriosis- “Wish I would have known about this sooner”

Endometriosis is a one of those hidden disorders you won’t hear at the lively discussion over coffee, or happy hour. This falls in line with disorders such as infertility or even monthly period pain (dysmenorrhea) that as many as 80% of women suffer with.  There is so much underlying shame and stigma associated with these women’s health disorders, that they go unnoticed and undisclosed.  Most women that experience monthly pain take a handful of pain killers or use the alternative hormone prescription of birth control, to function through the 1,2, and 3 weeks of agony they experience every month.



Much of the time, these women are not in pain because they have neglected to seek help, rather their pain is part of our cultural illusion that expects women to ‘have pain with their periods’, and if thats not enough, then there also is the cultural shame and judgment that comes upon you if you dare to complain; creating a illusory feeling of being weak or incapable of ‘handling it’ to some degree.



Nonetheless, it may surprise you that ‘pain with your period’ is ‘not normal’, you really should experience your period with slight to none awareness of any symptoms, except the actually bleeding itself.  Any pain experienced in the lower abdomen, pelvic cavity, lower back and any other area is a sign of disharmony and can be addressed through variations of Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Body/mind medicine and other aspects of Integrative medicine.



As a integrative doctor myself, it has been extremely frustrating to see women continue to suffer given that there is a solution that is available, but yet not widespread enough to reach everyone.  The fact that most patients that come in to see me and treat endometriosis, infertility, pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea, always exclaim “I wish I would have known about this sooner”, makes me both frustrated and ecstatic at the same time. Frustrated – to not be able to be doing more… and ecstatic because that they are finally finding the healing that they need.


Did you know that Endometriosis:


  • Affects more than 11% of American women (
  • It can make it harder to get pregnant.
  • Causes severe pain during menses, sex and painful bowel movements.
  • Tampons worn during menses can contribute to the severity of Endometriosis.
  • Most cases of endometriosis are undiagnosed in women.
  • Western medicine offers no cures for endometriosis, but can offer hormones and surgeries for reducing the symptoms.



What most women don’t know about Endometriosis:


  • Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can address the root cause of Endometriosis.
  • Address the underlying stress and relieve pain associated with the disorder.
  • Move and regulate blood in your system, which causes pain and stagnation.
  • Restore the rhythm in your body, including the rhythm of the organ systems.
  • Study showing the effectiveness of Acupuncture with Endometriosis. 




If you have been suffering with Endometriosis or any pelvic pain, and feel stuck with the chronic pain and distress,
know that there are other options that are not always easily accessible, but definitely available.  I have been working with women for the past 20 years, helping them unwind the underlying core pieces that keeps our bodies in pain and dysfunction.  I invite you to have a conversation with me, to find out your needs and your options.  Book your FREE consult with Dr.Murciano here. 


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