About Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna - Conscious Feminine Medicine
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About Dr. Leonor Murciano-Luna


Leonor Murciano-Luna, PhD, IMD, AP is a Spiritual Healer & Teacher, Feminine Mystic, Holistic Doctor, Acupuncture Physician, Author & Artist

Healer & Feminine Mystic Guide

She has spent the last 25 years commited to helping women heal their hearts and bodies… by stepping into their True Essence of their DIVINE SELF, and reclaiming themselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Dr. Murciano-Luna is the founder of Conscious Feminine Medicine TMa non-profit organization, the School of Conscious Feminine Medicine, and Nourishing Women,  South Florida clinic. She is known as the Healers of Healers… and a leader in the Feminine movement of the time of Great Awakening.

Near Death Experience

At the age of 6, Dr. Murciano experienced an extremely traumatic car accident, where she had a near death experience. This experience has been a powerful awakening force in her life, an experience that lead her to the healing and discovery of her deeper soul Truth. Her transformational healing journey has inspired her work,  yielding a very distinct healing formula, addressing body and soul, which is the foundation of  Conscious Feminine Medicine, inc. 

Conscious Feminine Medicine, inc non-profit organization

The Conscious Feminine Medicine, inc. is a non-for profit organization, offering Feminine Teachings, based on a synthesis of Daoist, Vedic and Sufi wisdom, woven with quantum science of consciousness, WU Healers (Moon lineage) ancient oral tradition in the greater container of the Great Mother matrix. Conscious Feminine Medicine tm is a system based on these threads of ancient wisdom, awakening us all to the Feminine Essence that has been lost for thousands of years. As part of CFM, Dr. Murciano established the School of Conscious Feminine Medicine in 2017, in order to teach these Feminine principles for healers, interested in being leaders and conduits for the greater embodiment of the Feminine throughout these times. Through the School of Conscious Feminine Medicine, women healers have an opportunity to engage in personal transformational healing and self-realization through mastery healing certification programs, assisting them in stepping into their sovereignty as powerful Feminine Healers & Light workers.

Spiritual Coaching, Healer & Holistic Doctor

Furthermore, Dr. Murciano continues to manage her private practice, as well as offer personal spiritual coaching and healing for women around the world. During the last 30 years,  Dr. Murciano has worked with thousands of women, guiding their personal transformation of body and psyche. Her spiritual teaching, healing and coaching comprise of energy healing, embodied somatic practices, transformational soul retrieval, shadow work, conscious meditation and much more that address the collective and personal wounds of the Feminine within women on all levels, especially on the soul.
Leonor Murciano-Luna received a PhD from International Quantum School of Integrative Medicine, is a board licensed acupuncture physician since 1998, and is a graduate of the University of Sufism and Spiritual Healing, with a 3 year program in spiritual healing and counseling. She has been initiated into Wu Dark Moon lineage and the Sufi Shaddulliyya lineage, being appointed as a Muqaddam, Spiritual guide, by her Sheikh Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal Ar-Rifa’i ash-Shadhili. 

The Great Change… Feminine Awakening

More importantly, Dr. Murciano-Luna is the mother of three beautiful young women, each thriving in their own unique way.  She continues to coach, write, teach, mentor, heal and empower women all around the world. For more information on personal spiritual coaching or mentorship and upcoming events, please visit ConsciousFeminineMedicine.com.

Books by Leonor Murciano-Luna

Birth of the Conscious Feminine ~a new Era of Sovereignty of Women 2020.

Evolution of the Feminine Soul, ~a transformational journal for women awakening to the Feminine. 2019

Feminine Wisdom: Rise of a New Creation ~a wholistic guidebook for those challenged with Infertility. 2010

Education/ Affiliations/Interest that have shaped my work

Florida International University/Miami-Dade Community College, Florida-  Psychology concentration. 
Community School for Traditional Chinese Medicine – Masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine & Healthcare.
University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism – 3 year certificate program in Healing & Spiritual counseling. 
International QuantumUniversity of Integrative Medicine – PhD, Doctorate in Integrative Medicine. 
Eckhart Tolle School for Awakening – 6 month immersion program dedicated to awakening and service. 
NSEV- SENIOR NSEV Acupuncturist – completed at least 200 hrs of onsite instruction in Non-Somatic Extra-Ordinary Vessels with founder  Dr.Dan Atchison- Nevel. 
Cranial Sacral 1 & 2 @ Upledger Institute, Florida- a gentle hands on method evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the cranio-sacral system. 
Visceral Manipulation 1 & 2 @ Upledger Institute, Florida –  Gentle manual therapy that assesses the structural relationship between the viscera and their fascia.
Myofascial Release 1 with Dr. Barnes- a mind/body therapy that issue, Gentle and consistently effective in producing results reducing pain, healing emotional and physical trauma. 
Clinical Hypnotherapy- 12 month intensive certification training on hypnotherapy in the clinical setting. Certified Hypnotherapist.
NCCAOM accredited since 1998.

Modalities & Professional Training

Personal Meditation Practice for over 35 years.
Medical Qi Gong Training.
Continuum Training.
Gabrielle Roth dance and music.
Dunya Dance Meditation.
Shamanic Drumming.
Vedic teachings and practice.
Pre-Daoist teachings and Practice.
Bonnie Bainridge Body-Mind Centering program.
Initiate of the Wu Dark Moon lineage with Dr.Dan Nevel.
Initiate of the Shadhulliyya Sufi lineage by Sidi Al Jamal.
Al Maqqadum ( Spiritual Guide) with the Sufi lineage. 
Jungian Psychology
Esoteric & Metaphysical studies.
Rebirthing & Breathwork. 
Astrology of the Soul.
Somatic psychology.
Presence & Self- Realization