Conscious Feminine Global community
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Conscious Feminine Medicine Wisdom Keeper- Inner Circle

CFM Wisdom Keeper-Inner Circle


We can let you know when we re-open if you email us here.

An Online Community Platform for Women to Gather... Heal... Awaken... & Embody... our Divine Light Signature of the Feminine !

the Evolution of your Feminine Soul… 


~a place, online, where we can come together as women, share our story, heal our hearts and together redefine our personal purpose of being a woman in this great time of the awakening of the Feminine.  When we come together, creating sister hood, we can move out of our personal isolation, healing old patterns of despair, hopelessness and defeat while embodying the energetic field of light and great spirit of the Feminine within. Through the weekly gatherings, we embark on a transformational journey of the evolution of our Feminine soul, personally and collectively. 


Your Healing Light is Your Medicine…


~We have created a space where we can come together weekly, live online, as we face the  wounds of the Feminine… and transform and transmute the patterns of not feeling safe, not being seen,  unworthiness… and many other patterns of separation within.  Through the Conscious Feminine Medicine teachings and cultivations, we begin to embody the true medicine to heal our hearts and souls… and realize that the true medicine is contained in the secret of our Light. Your are the Medicine!



Returning to the Rhythm of the Moon

~Experience embodied movement that comes from inner stillness… the dance of joy within.  Most of our practices include somatic awareness…so that you become attuned to the natural organic rhythm of your souls movement… and how it wants to express through you.

Wisdom Keeper- Inner Circle


~Live wisdom circle every month allows us to connect with women in our intimate group… to share our Feminine transformation and anchoring the light of the Feminine on our planet.  It serves to remind us, awaken us and empower us to the unique ways in which the Feminine is giving birth to Herself through each one of us!

~The Conscious Feminine is ready to be born through us… be seen, be heard and be present.  Listening to our sister guests allows us to awaken our own gifts within.


Anchoring Feminine Wisdom & Light

~We are the ones we have been waiting for.  The planetary changes and chaos you see all around, has to be addressed from within, as well as outside.  We heal the planet and restore the Feminine unconditional love paradigm in our world, when we restore within ourselves.  As we, women, heal and anchor ourselves in the light of our Being, then we are free to anchor that same change outside ourselves.  Restoring the Feminine Wisdom within our own hearts, our own souls, is key to shifting the consciousness on the planet, and living in a loving, kind, empowering world.

 The Feminine on the planet is being birthed through each one of us. Through our monthly gatherings, teachings, healings and embodied processes, we come together as women, dissolving the old story of pain, isolation and fear… and become the wisdom keepers for the planet.   This is the story of finding our peace, our truth of Divine Essence within, and living our lives embodying the wholeness that we are. We no longer need to leave out parts of ourselves… in order to fit in.  We are creating a world, first, within ourselves, that honors the sacredness of our Feminine nature, and the magic and mystery of Her wisdom.

Together we create community and support for each other, resurrecting the lost teachings of the Feminine, and becoming the ones that walk the talk of  Feminine Wisdom!

CFM Wisdom Keepers Inner Circle

As Feminine Wisdom Keepers, twice  a month we will gather in our online virtual circle via ZOOM… ( recordings always available) resurrecting the teachings of the Great Mother and Feminine, transforming our old wounds and embodying the true Essence of our Being.


During the Full Moon we gather online for…


~Conscious Feminine Empowerment Activations –  This live session (1.5 hrs) will contain the wisdom teachings of several mystical teachings, as well as embodied practices, and empowerment tools to support the evolution of our Feminine Soul.  – Integrate the wisdom teachings of  the Conscious Feminine Medicine 13 pillars, based on the 13 lunar cycles and on the 13 wisdom elders.  The Conscious Feminine Medicine 13 pillars give us an opportunity to contemplate our unique and collective experiences as we resurrect the wisdom of the Feminine that has been lost. Some of the 13 pillars are: 1st Pillar- You are Divine, 2nd Pillar -You are the Medicine, 6th Pillar- Healing the 3 collective wounds of the Feminine, etc…  We will also incorporate the Sacred Initiations of the Feminine  as we explore the shadow wounding we may be experiencing, and anchor ourselves in the deep unconditional love of the Feminine Matrix, exploring  embodied meditations, transformation and greater levels of our True Light & Essence.  Q/A time permitting. 


Right before the New Moon, ( Dark Moon time) we gather online for… 


~Dark Moon Feminine Transformations online retreat- (2.0) which allows us to transform the unconscious patterns that have been passed down to us, through our family lineage, and that may still be holding us back, whether we are aware of it or not.  Right before the new moon, there is an window of dissolution and transformation available, that helps us release, transform and free ourselves of the past and of the collective wounding our souls may have taken on this lifetime.  Many of us, here, that resonate with this information, have taken on lifetimes of pain and suffering; fear, anger, rage, shame, powerlessness, poverty patterns, in order to clear the family lineage, because now, in the Aquarian age, is the time of great conscious awareness.  Therefore, through ceremony, ritual, prayer, chanting & toning and ancient healing practices  we will face the limiting patterns and paradigms and regain our true Sacred Power.  We do this for ourselves, for our ancestors, for the generations that will be coming through us, and for all those that are we come in contact with.  This process allows us to regain our Sacred Power and become the Feminine Wisdom Keepers of our time, remembering our True Essence and power!

CFM Wisdom Keepers Inner Circle member includes:

~Conscious Feminine Activation Live online monthly gathering, with Q/A if time permits. (1.5 hrs.)

~Dark Moon Feminine Ancestral Karmic Healing – Live online monthly retreat rebirth, right before the New Moon, at the time of the Dark Moon. (1.5hr.)

~Conscious Feminine Medicine Teachings 13 Pillars library. 

~Sacred Feminine Initiations  1 day online Retreats- a full day of retreating into reflection, transformation, silence, movement, epiphanies and rebirth. 

~Sacred prayers, ceremony, Sacred chants & Toning,  Embodied Breath movement practice, breathwork,  pre-Daoist, Vedic & Sufi ancient wisdom teachings within the resurrection of the Great Mother Source Matrix.

~Feminine Community and Wisdom celebration!


All gatherings will be held on varying days throughout the months… dates differ according to the full moon and new moon placement each month.  Exact schedule will be provided upon registration. All gatherings are recorded and available on member’s page, for easy access.

Feminine Wisdom Keepers Library

~As we grow our tribe… of Feminine Wisdom Keepers, we will make available wisdom teachings, meditations, artwork and embodied practices that support the Great Mother as Source, paradigm… reminding us of the Great Mother Matrix that has been hidden for the last 5000 years… but with the exception of those few years, SHE has been alive and in the consciousness of all of humanity since the beginning of time, millions of years ago.  Now, within ourselves and as we resurrector within the planet, we heal the gap of pain, suffering and separation that we have been living in. 

Join our Wisdom Keeper-Inner Circle
CFM Wisdom Keepers-Inner Circle offers women a space where we can come together in sisterhood, to empower ourselves, restore the true Essence, heal the wounds of the past and co-create the future of ourselves and our families. As women, we are the birthers of the the generations to come... and beginning to honor the sacredness of our Being... is key in the co-creation of our Mother Earth. We all know there is power in numbers, we no longer have to suffer in silence, or be silenced. We each have our own unique divine qualities and the world needs us to seed and birth the Feminine sacredness of life and resurrect the lost wisdom of the Feminine. This is a gathering place where we can mirror the places of strength, courage and beauty... but also feel our places of despair, hopelessness and fear and let LOVE dissolve it. Come join us... as we evolve our Feminine Soul... and co-create the New World together in the New Era of Feminine Sovereignty!
Join your sister tribe and find the community you have been looking for…
let’s resurrect the Feminine Wisdom in the World together!
All sessions are recorded.


Wisdom Keeper- Inner Circle opens twice a year…
stay tuned for our next opening.