Awakening the Conscious Feminine - Conscious Feminine Medicine
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Awakening the Conscious Feminine

Awakening the Conscious Feminine

Awakening the Conscious Feminine

 5 Keys for Radical Feminine Transformation 

Awakening the Conscious Feminine

5 Keys for Radical Feminine Transformation 

 Our workshop is now available as an 8 week Teleclass

beginning Sept. 10th, 2013

The Sacred Feminine is ushering in her energy of compassion, peace and love; transforming our world and unveiling the Truth of who we are as spiritual beings.  We can consciously embrace these Truths and expand these welcoming shifts through our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies by embracing the                                 5 key principles for radical feminine transformation.

 The Sacred Feminine is the Divine Mother energy that is becoming present in our planet at this time, to help us all shift from a paradigm of fear, limitation, scarcity, pain and suffering into a deeper truth of our being; Unconditional love, peace, joy, community and oneness. By consciously embracing these 5 key principles we are able to heal our bodies and heart, experience more joy, peace and love, release painful hurts; shame; fears; and manifest our divine nature of goodness.  Allow yourself to integrate the Sacred Feminine; shifting every aspect of your being, from your DNA to your soul, as you give birth to a new creation and become the Conscious Feminine. 

5 Keys for Radical Feminine Transformation 

  • Embodying the Sacred Feminine in your Heart.
  • Transmuting Mental/Emotional Conditioning.
  • Realignment of the Morphogenetic Field, Subtle Bodies & Physical Body: Chakras, Organ systems, Glands, Nervous System.
  • Nourishing through Inner & Outer Cycles of Conscious Feminine.
  • Awakening the Divine Qualities in the Soul.

Come experience a taste of each Key Principle and

Awaken the Conscious Feminine Within You !

5 Key for Radical Feminine Transformation

  1. Embodying Sacred Feminine Secret in our Heart: The heart is the doorway to our soul.  Through your heart you reach the inner dimensions of the essence of the Divine… and access the Sacred Feminine, as well as your own Light.  Embodying the Sacred Presence in your heart is a simple practice of centering yourself in this Truth, and cultivating your consciousness of the essence. Maintaining this heart connection open and receptive is key to Awakening the Conscious Feminine.
  2.  Transmuting Emotional & Mental Conditioning.Through our connection to the Unified Field of Love invoking the Divine Feminine, we can transmute the old paradigm conditioning; shame, fear and lack of worthiness, which is so common in the repressed Feminine model. Through a Quantum shift, we experience healing, allowing us to Re-mother all the aspects of ourselves that are longing for the love. Then we are free to experience realities congruent with the Sacred Feminine and allow our consciousness to live in these realities, rather than our cultural conditioning.
  3.  Realignment of the Morphogenetic Field, Subtle Bodies & Physical Body: Chakras, Organ systems, Glands, Nervous System. Through the use of conscious meditation, intention and energetic healing, we are able to tap into the morphogenetic field of consciousness; in which our perfected blue print of our body exists, allowing healing for a new creation to be born.  Through this we harmonize frequencies in our physical body; nervous system, organs and endocrine glands, using entry portals of the chakras and releasing the conditioned paradigms we have adopted, which in turn create disharmony and disease. This is an important practice to transform physical disharmonies and realign ourselves to harmonious blueprint of the morphogenetic field.
  4.  Nourishing through Inner and Outer Cycles of Conscious Feminine: Return to our inherent connection to the Divine Mother & the Sacred Feminine nourishes our complete being.  Honoring the cycles within ourselves as well as the outer cycles of Mother Earth restores our harmony within ourselves.  Our bodies are microcosms of the macrocosm of the Divine Mother; honoring the forces that guide our vessel allows us to harmonize and stand in our truth of who and what is the Conscious Feminine.   Through our awareness of cyclical time, we nourish our spirit, as well as our body; acknowledging the inner and outer cycles of death/ rebirth, purification, transformation and manifestation inherent in ourselves and in the Divine Mother.   In sustaining the frequency of the Conscious Feminine we will explore organic plant & aromatherapy medicine, as well as cyclical lunar practices for our being.
  5.  Awakening Divine Qualities in your Soul:   The Divine Qualities live in your Soul; these can be awakened as you become conscious of your Divine existence.  Through sacred Sufi chanting and conscious meditation we will experience the force of the Divine qualities and allow them to awaken with our being… transmuting your old reality into the new paradigm of the Conscious Feminine.  We will specifically explore the Divine Qualities related to each endocrine gland/ chakra and organ system for manifestation of our highest state; spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

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