“3”The Secret of the Sacred Feminine & our Cycles

The mother phase, on the other hand has her monthly menses cycle, which guides her personal process of death/rebirth and creation within her psyche. Every time she has her menses, it is her New Moon time. Many women do experience their periods on the new moon (dark moon) but many others experience it on the full moon. The menses begins with an alchemical process of “death”, letting go of the past energies in the form of beliefs, emotions thoughts and actions, that is transformed within our bodies in the uterus and discharged as blood. This blood is sacred blood of our past that we are purifying from our being. This is the sacred process and deeper meaning of our Menses. At this time women are able to release and purify not only their emotions of old hurts, pains and sufferings, but also their families. This is also why there is usually a heightened sense of emotions and sensitivity around the menses. These heightened emotions are emotions that are ready to be discharged and purified from our field, that which we no longer need to hold on to comes to the surface to be released.
After this death of the old, there is a period of deeper consciousness and openness to all the possibilities. Women can experience a deep connection with the sacredness within and be respective with all the potential of existence. And from this space we can then be open to receive what we want to attract into our lives, into our heart, into manifestation; what we want to give birth to. This is the energetic process of our menses. This process takes place during the 3-5 days of our cycle. This is an important time for women to retreat and create space to go within and have down time to recieve divinatory messages for herself, her life and her family. She is connected to spirit and the Divine mother/creator thru her own vessel and this sacred time should be honored and respected as the sacred time that it is.
Women in our society that want to alter or discontinue their menses all together are in many ways severing their own connection with the sacred feminine within themselves, not understanding it is a great blessing to have this monthly gift of death/rebirth and creation. The great amount of women that experience menstrual pain and pre menstrual symptoms in our society gives us an idea of how disconnected women are with their own feminine strengths and truth and how comfortable/uncomfortable they are with their own bodies.
In our society, the menses has been seen as something to tolerate, something dirty, something shameful, when in truth it is something sacred and very powerful. It is the alchical process of spirit turning into manifestation whether it is into blood or into life itself. And it is this physical body that is the container vessel for this miracle to take place. In ancient Matriarchial systems this was an honored and known truth that was respected amongst the people.
The molecule DMT, Dimethyltryptaminine, which is referred to as the god molecule, has been found in the blood of menstruating women. What does this mean? It is the same molecule found in medicinal plants used by ancient medicine men to reach altered states of consciousness and connect to divine spirit to perform their duties and receive divinatory messages. In egalitarian (matriarchal and equal) cultures over 3,500 years ago, women were the ones honored and respected with this process of connection to higher levels of consciousness, that is innately part of their being. The fact that DMT is found exclusively in the menstruating blood is evidence of this natural role of women. Innately, our being is capable of reaching these altered states of conscious and receiving divination messages for ourselves and our group during the menses.
Once we enter into our crone stage, and our menses has stopped, we then are able to be solely guided by the Moon/Goddess on a greater transpersonal level and working with the greater good of society. The wise women/crone becomes the direct communicator between heaven and earth and easily taps into the unified field of oneness with our creator, directly influencing her own tribe (family). The new moon (dark moon) is her time of death/rebirth and her full moon is the fullest expression of her creation. Every month she is guided by the MOON, able to transcend old emotions, and past veils that present themselves monthly to be transcended and discharged ino death and begin a new birth, a rebirth of consciousness propelling closer to Divine Oneness.
Take the time every month, whether on your menses or directly with the cycles of the dark MOON and let yourself release and let go all in the past. Let each lunar month bring you the gift of death and a rebirth into your fullest expression of life. During the first day of your period or the night before the new moon, empty your hearts and write a list of all the thoughts, emotions, behaviors, etc… that you no longer need. All the emotions that have been surfacing during the last week are themes that your being wants to let go of. What are they connected to? Why are you feeling so irritable, angry, sad or lonely. Let yourself release them into the divine. Let go of all the connections with the people in your life that have caused you pain and let go of all the anger, resentment and hatred in your being. Hand it all over to the Divine Creator.
The second day of you menses or on the new MOON, feel the freedom, emptiness and lightness of letting it all go and trusting Divine Creator to creating the perfect loving life that’s just right for you. Take the time to nourish yourself; taking baths, massages, aromatherapy, treatments. This is your retreat time. Do what nourishes your soul, heart and body.
On the third day of your menses or second day of new MOON, open yourself up to receive from the Divine creator all the love, beauty, justice, ease and all the other qualities that you want in your life. Make a list of what you want to receive physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and call it in to your field. Dare to co-create with the divine creator knowing that, that divine light is also within you and your essence. This is the part of you calling these things in. Take these three days of your menses or of the new/dark MOON to purify, receive and create you new reality. Try this for three moon cycles and see how you can change yourself and your own world.
Leonor Murciano-Chen
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